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“I have met my dear brother. He came out here three years ago and has come down to welcome me. The tie between us is strong. William could not get near me for a long time, he says. The atmosphere was so thick. He hoped to reach me in time to avert the “shock” to which I have referred but found it impossible.” ~ Private Dowding

The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Volume 2: Mackenzie King and his Mediums by Anton Wagner, PhD
The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Volume 2
Volume 2 of The Spiritualist Prime Minister: Mackenzie King and His Mediums examines how prominent mediums in Canada, New York, and London such as Etta Wriedt, Eileen Garrett, and Gladys Osborne Leonard influenced King before, during and after the Second World War. The volume includes transcripts of seven of the Prime Minister’s séances with Hester Dowden, Florence Jane Sharplin, Gladys Osborne Leonard, Helen Hughes, and Geraldine Cummins in London during 1945-1947. The through-line of the biography is King’s search for means to communicate with the divine and to become a servant of God so that the material world could be transformed into the Kingdom of God on earth. Read more...
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  Mackenzie King, London Mediums, Richard Wagner, and Adolf Hitler by Anton Wagner, PhD.
Besides Etta Wriedt in Detroit and Helen Lambert, Eileen Garrett and the Carringtons in New York, London was the major nucleus for King’s “psychic friends.” In his letter to Lambert describing his 1936 European tour, he informed her that “When in London, I met many friends of yours: Miss Lind af Hageby, [the author and psychic researcher] Stanley De Brath, and many others.
  Fallen Soldier Convinces His Famous Father of Life After Death
On September 14, 1915, Second Lieutenant Raymond Lodge, the youngest of six sons of Sir Oliver Lodge, a distinguished British physicist and pioneer in electricity and radio, as well as the former president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, was killed in WWI action in Flanders.
  The Seven Bodies by Carmen de Sayve & Jocelyn Arellano
The human being is made up of seven bodies, each composed of distinct vibrational frequencies that interpenetrate and interact. The physical body is the only one accessible to the five senses, but there are others, each a different aspect of existence and awareness. The seven bodies can be thought of as energy layers. Everything obeys thought, and the various bodies are emanations of active thought. Each belongs to and acts within a different dimension; thus, we are multidimensional beings, despite our fascination with the physical plane.
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Did Sophia Williams Produce the Best Evidence for Life after Death Ever? by Michael Tymn: When Hamlin Garland, a renowned American author and reputable psychical researcher searched for a medium to help him locate and uncover some buried artifacts in California, he was referred to Sophia Williams,… Read more
Best Evidence of the Communion of Saints & Sinners and Resurrection of the Body by Michael Tymn: This is the final part of the deposition of Vice-Admiral William Usborne Moore, as explained in my blog of December 16 and continued on December 30. While Moore sat with dozens of gifted mediums in England… Read more
Admiral W. Usborne Moore:  More about communication from the Dead (part 2 of 3) by Michael Tymn: This is a continuation of the deposition of Vice-Admiral William Usborne Moore (bottom right photo), as explained and recorded in my blog of December 16. Admiral Moore, before the break, you testified… Read more
Admiral W. Usborne Moore: The 14th Witness for Life After Death by Michael Tymn: In my essay for the Bigelow contest of 2021, I presented a simulated present-day court trial in which The Survival School contends that consciousness survives death in a greater reality, while arguing… Read more
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